Women's Weekly Competition March 11th & 14th
1st Alacoque O'Connor (15) 23pts
2nd Lily O'Sullivan (19) 21pts
97 Club (March 16th)
1st Jean McGowan (34) 22pts
2nd Imelda Sheeran (27) 20pts Back 6
Better the Score Final March 17th
1st Yvonne Walsh (15) 31pts
2nd Catherine Fitzgerald (14) 30ts (Back 9)
Supervalu Shamrock Special 17th - 19th March
1st Angela Veldon (26) 27pts
2nd Catherine Fitzgerald (14) 36Pts
3rd Kay Delaney (29) 35pts (Back 6)
Men's Better the Score Competition 17th March
1st Paul Davis (34) 43Pts
2nd Cathal Donnelly (11) 42Pts
3rd Tom Dolan (13) 41Pts
4th Enda Gormally (13) 40Pts
5th Leo Flynn (10) 39Pts (Back 6)
6th Charles Walsh (15) 39Pts
SuperValu St Patrick’s Weekend Open 17 th -19 th March’23
1 st Prize: Ian Holmes (11) 43 Pts (B6)
Gross: Thomas O’ Connor (-1) 38Pts
Cat A: (0-7) Paul Costelloe (3) 38Pts
James Joyce (0) 37Pts
Cat B: (8-15) Cathal Donnelly (11) 42Pts
Tom Dolan (13) 41Pts
Cat C: (16-23) Mark Shine (17) 43Pts
Michael Heavin (21) 41Pts
Cat D: (24+) Paul Davis (34) 43Pts
Brendan Kilroy (29) 39Pts